Monday, February 7, 2011

Jovial January

Sp: "Mama, your teeth are so white. They are white like a bride dress." - Jan. 2

(In the Trader Joe's bathroom)
G: "Does it smell like poopie, Mama?"
me: "Yes."
G: "Does it smell like boy poopie, Mama?"
(I was hoping not, since the boy bathroom was the one we were about to enter!)
-Jan. 2

Sp: "She says 'cup-a-TAI.'" (referring to 'My Fair Lady.') -Jan. 2nd

Sparrow after coming home from a procedure at the dentist, with a shy look on her:
"I shink I heard the doctor shay that I was sh'posed to have shome ice cream."  -Jan. 4

G: "When you were little, you got da TV stuck in the water sprout."  -Jan. 4

G: "I'll read da Bible. 'Once in a time, there was God.'" -Jan. 4

Sparrow and Golden playing Jacob's wives:
Sp: "I'll be the one who people think she's ugly." -Jan. 5th

Deep thoughts by Golden:
G: "Mom?"
me: "Yes?"
G: "Why don't da tree fall over me?"
me: "Because God gave trees roots that go deep into the ground and make the tree stand straight and strong."
G: "Mom?"
me: "Yes?"
G: "Why don't David break in pieces over me?"
me: "Because God gave David bones in his body that hold him all together so he doesn't break in pieces."
G: "Mom?"
me: "Yes?"
G: "I'm hungry."
-Jan. 8

me: "Don't hang on the stroller, Sparrow."
Sp: "Why?"
me: "Because I can't push it with Golden in it and you hanging on it and hold the baby. That's why God gave you your own two legs."
Sp: "...I think I need a third."
-Jan. 8

Sparrow's dreams:

"My dream was: First we went to Phoenix with Holly Tuggy and there were a bunch of ducks quacking around, and one of them was really excited to look at something and then it just died. And then we met an old man and he thought something was funny in his garage, and he thought it was rreeeeeeeaaaaaalllly funny, and then there were a bunch of fish in the toilet, and they were white fish, and when you flushed it, they still came back up. And there were a lot of moths in the hallway and they looked like they were made of play-doh. And Julia was there. And then we went back home and there was a butterfly in the water spout, and it flew away, and then I caught it and put it in the water spout again, and it came back out, so I caught it and put it in the water spout again, and it came back out, and then I caught it again and put it in the water spout again." -Jan. 9th

"In my dream last night we went to that place where Uncle went, and when we were there we were playing in the snow and eating pictures of Golden." -Jan. 10th

Golden, seeing me get out the Bible, says suddenly, "Whoa, Jesus!" -Jan. 10th

Sp: "Whoa, Guggies, you absolutely fell over, Guggies!" (playing with Silas) -Jan. 10th

G: "We went to walk! And rice for dinner and I drank wine, and... more wine, and... Look at that Christmas tree!" (telling Daddy about her day over the phone.) -Jan. 15

I made cinnamon rolls. Golden said to me, sincerely,
"Thank you, bringing frosting food." -Jan. 16

G: "I wanna sleep in your bed pecause I wanna sleep in your bed." -Jan. 16

G: "I was playing with my sand castle pecause I was playing with my shovel, and then I was afraid of the piggies." (javelinas) -Jan. 17

G: "Do gorillas eat people at dance class?" -Jan. 20

G: "Can David live at dance class?" -Jan. 20

G: "I just bumped the floor pecause pecause I bumped my bottom pecause I grabbed Uncle's picture pecause I fell down right there." -Jan. 21

G: "Here's your coffee, Sparrow. It has caffeine and sugar and xylitol and milk." -Jan. 21

G: "Thank you for bringing new books for Christmas." (We had gotten some new ones at the library that day.) -Jan. 22

G: "Look at dat! Issa flower-washin-ma-hand!" -Jan. 22

Golden is saying the most wonderful words of her own imaginings these days, to include such lovely hybrids as:
-water sprout

S: (concerned) "That carrot went right into my bone, instead of to the curly whirly thing under my tummy."
- Jan. 23

Golden, singing a little song to herself:
"Up to California, up to California!" -Jan. 23

(Concerned about getting older)
Sp: "But I don't wanna leave Golden behind!" -Jan. 24

me: "When you're five, you can sit in back without a booster."
Sp: "OK, but can I sit in the front when i'm 38?" -Jan. 24

G: "Iss time for wake-upping!" -Jan. 26

Sp: "you go to sleep, baby. I'll stay up all night and watch out for robins." (robbers!) -Jan. 26

G: "Das a merdmaid!"
turns Starbucks cup all the way around, and says, amazed:
"Das another merdmaid!" -Jan. 26

G: "Iss like a plie, pecause its bottom is so big, like a fish." (and for some reason she was talking about the moon!) -Jan. 27

Sp: "I asked her to look at my stick, and she just looked at it really fast and didn't even say anything to my stick!" (disappointed that some person we met along our walk would not even address her precious walking stick...) -Jan. 27

(Eating English muffins:)
Sp: "Mine is an Irish muffin and yours is a Chinese muffin." -Jan. 27

(Playing pretend food)
Sp: "Mine is lollipop-chocolate-cookie-sugar-blueberry-watermelon-strawberry kind." -Jan. 28

Golden's comments on "Maisy's Big Book of Words"


"Brown, brown bird"

"Fork, spoon, and flower"

"Cereal" (his name is actually "Cyril.")

"Police car"

This one is just for fun! Couldn't resist.  But ripping off "Everybody Poops," just a little bit...

1 comment:

MamaMahnken said...

Aren't kids fabulous? I need to remember to write down more of what mine say, other than just on facebook! Oh, and it occurred to me recently that Ezekiel doesn't exactly say "pecause," he says "puz," like 'cuz" of course. What can I say? - he was born in San Bernardino!