Tuesday, June 29, 2010

sparrow's book

Today we put Golden down for a nap in the morning, which never happens anymore, and it meant... Sparrow and i had some time to do preschool stuff together! In san francisco a few times, she wanted to make a book or a calendar, and since i didn't have stapler nor space to work in, i had to keep putting her off. So i thought making a book would be a perfect activity for today. She had been telling me this morning a made-up story about doing acrobatics at the fair, so we started with that idea and wrote it down. We finished the drawings after Golden went to bed this evening, and Sparrow was very tired but made herself stay up until i had finished transcribing and taping the words into their final format, so she could have me read her story to her before bed! she said, "i'm tired. good thing it's my bedtime!" So without further verbiage, i present to you... "Acrobatics at the Fair," by Sparrow McDonnell.


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